Another Day, Another Clinic

Today dawned bright and early… but interestingly without roosters. Maybe that is why the cook is trying to grow all of her eggs into chicks instead of feeding them to us… lol


Explaining what should be heard when auscultating...Explaining what should be heard when auscultating…

After packing everything so that we could leave immediately after the clinic, we headed over to Alphonse’s house, a local community leader who had graciously offered the use of his land and a covered space.

The set up

The set up

He and his 3 brothers are quite active in the community, and their wives are part of Lelia’s project.CIMG3133
We had another veterinary agent working/learning with us today, so that makes 5 people in total that we have started training since being here.






Double teaming

Double teaming

So at least we have done some of what we had hoped.

Additionally we treated ~95 animals and had some good discussions with owners regarding improvements to animal welfare.

Take your meds!
Take your meds!


Afterwards we were rewarded with an amazing view of the hills and the valley that leads to PaP AND an amazing lunch.

CIMG3162We treated the kittens again, as well as Jim’s neighbour’s dogs. Jim’s 4×4 was then packed fuller than it had ever been, between our gear, us, and the cook (who was coming to PaP to visit a sick relative in hospital) who brought 2 months groceries in for her children who are currently in PaP going to college.
It made for an interesting 5 hours as objects continually fell and bopped people in the head in the back row, while Tyra and Amanda had to hold themselves in constant isometric positions so they didn’t fall on the gear shift. Everyone (other than Phillip) was so stuck that they were unable to drink, and wound up completely dehydrated by journey’s end. Jim even stopped for oranges at one point but accidentally blocked off the road right beside the police station, leading to a friendly discussion about driving responsibly.

CIMG3167Once back humdrum activities such as unpacking, laundry, making dinner and various other odds and sods had to happen, as well as planning the rest of the week’s activities and meetings. This included uploading all of the week’s blogs… pictures have to wait until tomorrow when we are less tired and the internet is less loaded (ie we stop crashing).
Hope you are all doing well…
Lots of love,

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